
Backup to dropbox

A project log for Heimdall - dumb remote home

It's not smart. It's a raspberry pi I can ssh into. With a fancy mac inspired case.

davedarkodavedarko 12/11/2015 at 21:210 Comments

Since I've upgraded my dropbox account I checked for the possibility to backup stuff to it from the raspberry PI. Somebody already has written a nice bash script that connects with the API. Looks easy enough. You have to add an App and get a secret key to get access to your whole dropbox or an app folder. Having a folder for the raspberry is enough for me, since I only want to upload the files.

It's quite slow, probably handshaking for every file, uploading it and closing transactions makes it not so fast, but doing this once a day won't hurt. It's not deleting stuff but it doesn't simply overwrite it, that's a plus. Probably makes sense to make a zip file and only upload that.
