
Continued Progress

A project log for Modular Continuous Track System

A inexpensive modular tank track system that can be used for robotic and radio controlled vehicles.

jupdykejupdyke 11/02/2015 at 19:450 Comments

I am sorry that it has been a little while since my last update. I had makerfaire which was a huge success and I got to meet with a ton of really interesting people. It is also great to show my design to hundreds of people from all walks of life and see what they think.

I also set up a very professional website for sales. I plan to continue posting my progress and experiments here, but this website will serve as the sales portal and official marketing area. will still show the details of experiments, successes and failures. So others can learn from my design.

I also managed to make some progress on the demo robot. This is what I want to be working on, but other parts of this project keep pulling me away. Building tracked robots is why I started this whole thing. I assembled one side of the tracks and got to push it around a little. It looks great. Now I am just waiting on more parts to arrive. I feel like I am constantly waiting on parts. But I took a few pictures. I can't wait to get some videos.
