The elderly asset tracker addresses several problems that have become
more pronounced over the last few decades, quality of life and safety of the elderly. Advances in medicine have lead to increased lifespans which places a strain on existing methods of senior care, elderly asset tracker is an attempt to address this issue. The tracker primarily consists of an msp430, GSM modem, GPS receiver, and an accelerometer. The device is powered by a lithium ion battery and has a USB micro connector for charging. The device is meant to be worn and can alert any number of pre-programmed contacts in case of emergency. The accelerometer provides inertial interrupts, detecting when the user is in free fall or experiencing a high g force event. The module can also accept commands via text message, the primary command being to reply back with the board's GPS coordinates, something that could be potentially life saving if someone with dementia gets lost. Battery life varies depending on the mode of operation and can last anywhere from a few weeks to several