Connecting the TFT screen to the raspberry was explained in a very good French magazine called Hackable (n°3).
If interested, you can find it here :
Play your SNES or Genesis game on a 2.2" LCD screen
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Connecting the TFT screen to the raspberry was explained in a very good French magazine called Hackable (n°3).
If interested, you can find it here :
Download retropie and flash your SD card
Connect screen to Raspberry like that (from screen to raspberry) :
Activate SPI :
Use raspi-config command to activate SPI
edit /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf and remove or comment the line "blacklist spi-bcm2708".
Then, after a reboot, a dmesg | grep spi should return something like bcm2708_spi.
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