
Mini-Quadcopter based on CX-10A

A teensy+ESP8266 mini-quadcopter based on the CX-10A.

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The pictures of the top and bottom PCB of the Cheerson CX-10A is from a blog post on
I decided to buy a few of these quad-copters from Amazon.
I found that they are a number of versions of these quad-copters with different color PCBs.
I also received a blue version which contains an STM32 Cortex M0 microcontroller, a motion-processing unit from Invensense and a wireless chip from Pantek. Some versions include the Nordic chipset.
There are JTAG test-points provided to allow debugging of the ARM Cortex M0 MCU.

The CX-10A quadcopter has a 100mAH battery that allows for up to 10 minutes of flight time.

  • 1 × Teensy-LC Teensy
  • 1 × ESP8266

  • 1
    Step 1

    Fabricate and assemble the PCB assembly.

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