
Quick update

A project log for Magic Sprinter

My work van, Home away from home and LAB, on 4 wheels (@22MPG)

kurtKurt 06/12/2015 at 15:000 Comments

I had a few moments break yesterday from the rat race. I have made some good progress lately on the main DAQC python script. It is reliably pushing data to initialstate. (so much so I maxed out my free account) Tonight (friday cause i'm a geek) I am going to explore writing my own web based dashboard. One of the challenges I face is that Verizon want 500.00 up front for a static IP for the sprinter. While I believe every vehicle should have a web address, I am not willing to pay for something I can probably hack around.


Made the "focus" list of the items I am trying to monitor and control.

It works, BUT in the process I smoked one of the isolators (not sure how) and I used an LED bar graph with an inop led. (probably smoked that last year sometime) I ordered some more isolators and got them yesterday (God I love Amazon prime) So, Rev 2 may get built this weekend.

Oh, I also put together a gliffy with some common board representations.

PM me if you want a link to the drawings on gliffy.

Stay tuned...
