
Old Tech will Always beat New Tech

As the faster, smaller, "no understanding needed" devices enter everyone's lives. The knowledge of "why" it works in the first place is lost

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Being able to prove that an old technology can beat the latest and greatest technology will let younger generations know that the principles and the understanding of them are far more powerful, yet overlooked.

As our generations advance core fundamentals are lost. This creates the illusion of advancement. With out truly understanding how the knowledge of today's electronic devices developed we build on what exist. Nothing new, nothing innovative, just faster and smaller. The global crisis I would like to attempt to solve is simply the loss of curiosity. Curiosity is one of the keys to education and self learning. If electronic devices are everyday items the loss of curiosity toward our field is coming. I will be choosing an old school knowledge/technology that will overcome and beat a "latest and greatest" technology. I have just started my research this evening, however had this thought on my drive home the other day (can't shut it off). My initial findings are 100% untraceable, free, internet access (yet to execute). I am not ready to disclose my old technologies that makes this possible. As this project progresses, I will be keeping a blog update here as well as my PC used to show that this is strictly educational and that there is no malicious intent toward anything or anyone. I just want to open the curiosity window of opportunity again for the next generations.

  • 1 × Standard PC 1 win 7 X64 built at home
  • 1 × Standard PC 2 win 95 Old a** IBM
  • 1 × Atmel
  • 1 × Terminal software to be disclosed once I get coms

  • 6/11/15

    nickpic6206/12/2015 at 00:03 0 comments

    Several, great conversations today, good distractions from work! The PHD types ( I am NOT) said the theory is sound, sadly I only have .2% of my time to devote to the bench work.

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