
TARDIS Time's Tables

Save the TARDIS by using the Doctor and your timestables

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A Blue Peter style build that's as much simple arts and crafts as it is electronics. This is the TARDIS time's tables (rather than times tables). Use each Doctor's RFID card to solve multiplication sums and defeat the Daleks. This requires very little (or no) soldering, and all the parts are very common and cheap.

Although this build is based around a times tables test and a TARDIS, the same system can be used to create any quiz or game using RFID cards as the UI. For instance, you could create a geography quiz, where you've got to match the country card to the capital city.

There are two Arduino sketches to this build. As well as the actual game, there is a separate sketch for programming the RFID cards.

Images are Copyright (c) Tim Doyle 2014 and are used with permission.

The Doctor Who series and characters appearing thereon are copyrighted by the BBC. The term "TARDIS" is trademarked by the BBC. The Daleks are trademarked by Terry Nation.
  • 1 × Medium Breadboard
  • 3 × Small Breadboard
  • 1 × RC522 RFID card reader
  • 1 × 1.8" TFT LCD Screen + SD Card reader
  • 1 × Arduino Pro Mini (or compatible)

View all 17 components

  • Build is complete

    Samuel Pickard06/14/2015 at 11:13 0 comments

    The build is complete. As you can now see in the gallery, we've finished making the box. It's very Blue Peter - a cardboard box and lots of sticky-backed plastic, but all the better for that. Here's Jack demoing it.

  • The final build has started

    Samuel Pickard06/13/2015 at 16:41 0 comments

    Large LEDs have arrived, and the final assembly has started. I made a video before I started this morning.

  • Getting ready to assemble

    Samuel Pickard06/12/2015 at 08:28 0 comments

    I managed to scrape together a few minutes last night. The 10mm blue LED for the roof has arrived yet, so I'm hoping it will come at some point today.

    I've built everything out on the little breadboards now, including the roof LED (using a temporary substitute) and the speaker, and its all working.

    I've only got one WT588D-u to use, so that is still on the original breadboard.

    Tomorrow I'll shoot photos of all the components and the assembly process as I fit it in the cardboard box. Real soon now.

  • Breakout Breadboards

    Samuel Pickard06/11/2015 at 09:57 0 comments

    I've rebuilt the RFID and LCD components onto smaller breadboards that can be fitted directly into the cardboard box. I like this a lot as the breadboards are self adhesive, and you don't need to solder a custom board.

    I'm waiting for my 10mm blue LED for the roof light, and I'm still exploring how to mount the speaker inside the case, and whether I should you a piezo.

View all 4 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Breadboard an Arduino Pro Mini onto a medium sized breadboard, along with a breadboard power supply. Wire the Arduino to power supply.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Wire the SPI pins of the Arduino onto two other small breadboards. Add an extra wire onto one of the breadboards to select the RFID reader, and two wires to the other board, one for selecting the LCD and one for the SD Card reader. Add +5v and Ground wires to each of the small breadboards.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Wire the RFID reader according the labels on your reader to one of the small breadboards. The reset line can be brought to Ground if you don't want to wire it in.

View all 5 instructions

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rahip23862 wrote 11/11/2022 at 12:17 point

Very interesting idea just as so many others are using this strategy these days I would like to share some information about the Today telenor quiz and I think its good for you to carry one this project in future.

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patellok000 wrote 07/03/2016 at 11:39 point

i like it

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