This board enables you to use BNC cables and other accessories for the scope and the waveform channels.
It offers pretty much the same functionality as the original BNC Adaptor Board from Digilent, which are:
- BNC adapter for the scope channels and the option to switch between DC and AC coupling
- BNC adapter for the waveform generator channels and the option the switch between no and 50Ω output impedance.
- The original cable can be used to access the digital io-pins
It also adds some functionality:
- The jumper for the output impedance and the coupling are replaced by switches
- You can switch between differential measurement and GND referenced for every channel of the scope
- There is a connector, which enables you to conveniently connect jumper wires to access the most important features of the Analog Discovery 2, which are the scope, the waveform gen and the variable power supply.