
New Rocket Body

A project log for High Power Experimental Rocket Platform

Experimental high power rocket with active stabilization, live telemetry, autonomous GPS guided recovery and HD video

j-m-hopkinsJ. M. Hopkins 08/17/2015 at 00:570 Comments

Looks like I had severely underestimated the size of my parafoil when packed as well as to the eventual size of my EX motors. After numerous attempts and iterations of folding techniques I've decided it would just be easier to build a bigger parachute bay.

I've also upped the size of the motor retention tube to accommodate up to 2" in width and 20" in length. The new parachute bay is 12" and the piston is 4" for a grand total for the lower body of 36".

You can see the much larger motor retention tube here, allowing for EX motors up to probably J class.
