
New Igniter

A project log for High Power Experimental Rocket Platform

Experimental high power rocket with active stabilization, live telemetry, autonomous GPS guided recovery and HD video

j-m-hopkinsJ. M. Hopkins 09/22/2015 at 20:300 Comments

I attempted to static test an 11" motor made in July at the club launch this last weekend but it was really hard to ignite. I went through 2 e-matches, and still it did not ignite.

After coming back from the launch I developed this new igniter. It is an e-match hot glued into an inch and a half length of straw filled with FFF Pyrodex and capped on the other side with more hot glue.

The stubborn motor probably had absorbed the moisture from the bore, but the new igniter still was able to successfully start the motor.

This design will be used in future testing to insure quick ignition times.
