

A project log for High Power Experimental Rocket Platform

Experimental high power rocket with active stabilization, live telemetry, autonomous GPS guided recovery and HD video

j-m-hopkinsJ. M. Hopkins 03/10/2016 at 01:380 Comments

This evening I went to assemble one of the four motors (a 6 grain I-500) for this weekend and decided it would be a great idea to botch the grain insertion technique and ruined the motor (it's single use).

The end result is that I don't have time to create another large 6 grain motor before this weekend.

The positive is that I'll still have the other three motors (2 x H-250s and 1 x I-500) for this weekend, but I'll have to nix my high altitude flight and only static test the new large motor without flying it for safety reasons.

This setback again drives back my testing plan for at altitude RF data path validation, and delays my main project by months.

Nobody said rocket science was easy... I just wish I had the ability to submit my full time to this endeavor and had more suitable testing facilities instead of relying on monthly club meets.

So for review, this weekend testing is now the following:

  1. Static test H-250 3 grain motor to validate new grain separation technique. This has the added benefit of testing my new 70cm serial to WiFi (telnet) bridge.
  2. Static test I-500 6 grain motor.
  3. Flight H-250 in the EX-004.

Not nearly as productive without the flight test of the I-500, but I only have so many hours per day I can devote to this between work and family...
