
Real Life

A project log for High Power Experimental Rocket Platform

Experimental high power rocket with active stabilization, live telemetry, autonomous GPS guided recovery and HD video

j-m-hopkinsJ. M. Hopkins 04/15/2016 at 03:021 Comment

Last weekend was MDRA's Red Glare (regional High Power launch event), and it was amazing, lots of amazing flights.

Regrettably my family had some emergency medical issues pop up the week before Red Glare, and my project was unable to fly. The family is doing better now, but I missed my flight opportunity.

So here's the good/bad news: I'm moving! This means no more access to flying with the MDRA... Lame. But here's the good news portion: I'm moving to California within driving distance to the FAR site (Friends of Amateur Rocketry)

So while my projects are going to be on hold for a bit while I move and get my proper permits going, I will have access to a much better venue for further rocketry projects.

In the mean time, feel free to ask any questions!


J. M. Hopkins wrote 05/15/2016 at 03:59 point

We've successfully driven from Maryland to California.... What a trip... After I settle down into the new job and house I'll get back to work!

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