
Short-term To-Dos

A project log for biohand - Low cost 3D printed hand prosthesis

Development of a robust low cost 3D printed hand prosthesis using off-the-shelf components.

martin-vincent-bloedornMartin Vincent Bloedorn 08/17/2015 at 18:450 Comments

As mentioned before, I've spent the last month mostly working on my thesis (about biohand). Now that I've finished it, I finally have some spare time to invest in the project again. I tought I'd briefly list some of the 'To-Do's I have planned for the upcoming two/three weeks:

Other modifications are planned in the long-term future too; the thumb mechanism will be fully replaced and the control board will undergo a large revision. However, these more significant changes will only take place after the aformentioned short-term goals are properly consolidated.
