
Simple EMG control and planned upgrades

A project log for biohand - Low cost 3D printed hand prosthesis

Development of a robust low cost 3D printed hand prosthesis using off-the-shelf components.

martin-vincent-bloedornMartin Vincent Bloedorn 09/20/2015 at 22:320 Comments

As I progress in the making of the biohand, I'm starting to note all things I believe have to be changed or improved. And the list is starting to get quite long:

Yea. Before this, I won't consider any tests with subjects, so I'm looking at a minimum of 3-4 months range of work.

In the meantime, (just for fun) I ran some tests on the current biohand prototype. I've interfaced it with Myo Armband, a great off-the-shelf intelligent EMG sensor, using Niklas Rosenstein's python bindings. The setup requires a PC or smartphone to be connected to the Myo, as it cannot be directly connected to the biohand's ARM Cortex-M3 processor (not in any way I'm aware of).

Check the video on Instagram, or click the pic below to see it :)


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