
Mixed News

A project log for The Kasei Initiative

Working to kick start the robot revolution. It is coming, and the Kasei Initiative will play an important role.

mister-malwareMister Malware 09/12/2015 at 16:230 Comments

First, the bad.

I got the chance to model the screen case in Inventor, but the tech teachers have been having issues with the laser cutter, so I wasn't able to do anything about it. As far as I know, everything should be okay with it though. One other issue is that I have been low on my own time; I have been buried with homework as of late, but hopefully things will be better in that regard (new note taking strategy, in other words).

Next, the neutral.

The back two servos will be taken out and replaced with a wheel, so power draw is a little nicer on the Arduino. Function-wise, I don't think this is going to be much of an issue. Asthetically, meh, I'm not terribly concerned.

Lastly, the good.

I've lugged down the desktop to connect it to the Internet, update/upgrade everything and install Pygame (yeah, I'm getting a Wifi bridge very soon, believe me). Now I have no excuse to not program. An artist's rendition will be made at some point, either in my animation software or in Scratch.
