

A project log for The Kasei Initiative

Working to kick start the robot revolution. It is coming, and the Kasei Initiative will play an important role.

mister-malwareMister Malware 02/06/2016 at 15:220 Comments

Some problems that have since been solved:

- Mobility base has the other servo replaced, and as far as the servos are concerned, everything is working properly

- Still have issues with the battery. Minor issues are present when the base is hooked up to a power supply, but not awful. With the battery, I have no clue why the servos will freeze up. Yes, it's puzzling. I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like this before. All quotes aside, it'll freeze a little bit when hooked to the power supply, but it will still run. The best advice I've had is that it's a programming error (it's not, I can assure you) or there's a voltage leakage. Well, that's what I get for buying a cheap LiPo battery. Screen works fine off of it though, so I dunno.

- Kagaku's various parts are now fully collapsible and fit neatly into a briefcase and a laptop bag. Part of this is thanks to remaking the screen holder (again) and making it detachable from the bottle top thing (Velcro for the win!). This has actually made the top portion a lot more sturdy (it's not held together solely by tape, in other words) and looks better, so I'm not going to mess with it.

- Right now, my focus is on getting Kagaku to have the ability to call 911 with VoiP software (the test runs will be with another phone number, don't worry). I'm trying Elastix for that portion.

- Still looking into voice recognition.
