

A project log for The Kasei Initiative

Working to kick start the robot revolution. It is coming, and the Kasei Initiative will play an important role.

mister-malwareMister Malware 08/19/2015 at 14:040 Comments

I found a Smith Corona electric typewriter with everything intact yesterday, and he (I named him Eniac, by the way) took me through a demonstration of his skills. I love it when electronics are anthropomorphized and use terms like "me" and "I". Makes me feel like I've got a good friend on my hands.

Anyhow, I took a break yesterday from the frenzy of Monday, but working on Python will commence today, as well as working on other things. Regarding the site, Wix doesn't seem to be cooperating with me because everything is taking forever to load in the editor that didn't before. I'll probably get rid of a bunch of the useless junk on there (THE MUSIC STAYS) like the view counter and the countdown timer to help speed things up a bit- assuming I can actually load the editor...
