
Overhauls and Stuff

A project log for The Kasei Initiative

Working to kick start the robot revolution. It is coming, and the Kasei Initiative will play an important role.

mister-malwareMister Malware 06/21/2016 at 02:370 Comments

Since 99% of the mobility base looked like absolute crap, I have replaced, improved and reinforced parts. I have to say, *GLaDOS voice* it's looking pretty good.

I'll have pictures up soon, but overall:

- The main base has been replaced with wood

- The mobility base is now level

- The tires have been reinforced onto the servos with Titelock glue, which seems to be working wonderfully

- I have a better method of keeping the AI portion in place (I can't really describe it; pictures will follow tomorrow)

- No wires have been snapped during renovations, which is a relief

Stuff I'll need to do:

- Find out if the microservos are going to be sufficient, and if not, replace them with full-sized servos (and change the front tire so that it's level again)

- Finish aesthetics for the AI portion

- Stupid odds and ends

- Get to the good stuff

The good stuff? FINALLY programming the AI itself. Part of why I put it off for so long was because this stuff would have bothered me otherwise- I like to have a physical robot to show, you know? Lame excuse but eh, it's my robot. I can do what I want with it. A separate project will be posted for the AI portion, as this one seems very cluttered at the moment. So once everything mobility-base-wise gets squared away, I can post completed instructions and an updated components list and move on from there.

Victory! Victory for ZIM.
