
WIFI temperature and humidity sensor and control

WIFI temperature and humidity sensor and control using the ESP8266 WIFI module and a DHT11 temp/hum sensor.

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WIFI temperature and humidity sensor and control using the ESP8266 WIFI module and a DHT11 temp/hum sensor.

The 8266THSC01 is a wifi enabled board that reads temperature and humidity on request via TCP and returns the current on-site temperature and humidity. It includes reset and flash switches and can control up to 4 relays based on minimum and maximum temperature and humidity settings. The board can be configured to check if current temperature and humidity are within a range, and if they are outside that range, then a signal is triggered; this signal can feed logic circuits or small relays. The request for reading is done by sending via TCP on port 9999 a string of the form: THCwwwxxxyyyzzz Where: THC : command name www: minimum temperature limit for triggering xxx: maximum temperature limit for triggering yyy: minimum humidity limit for triggering zzz: maximum humidity limit for triggering

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