Hello, I am going to introduce You to the Mini weather station. Mini weather station is a small, portable device that is on Arduino Uno or Nano. It is completly open source. I made this weather station because I didn't want to search weather data online because that data is often wrong. You can modify your Arduino code anytime and You don't even need to know how to program Arduino IDE because I made this code so easy to use. Now you can just put the Mini weather station on your terrace and enjoy. If You want to analize current Data or that of the past month You can just open Excel and make a graph out of it!
What is The Mini weather station ?
The Mini weather station is a small portable weather station that You can put were ever you want to measure air factors. With DHT 11 You can Measure temperature and humidity, with BMP180 You can measure air pressure and altitude and with RTC you can ad time and date to Your data then store to SD card.