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A project log for GPS Receiver for Nikon D3100 Cameras

An inexpensive and more accurate GPS receiver accessory for Nikon D3100 (and compatible) cameras.

kevinKevin 08/18/2015 at 06:550 Comments

I decided to try for a proof of concept to verify that I can do what I want with this project. I would keep it simple by setting the GPS receiver module to output data at 4800 baud and feed the data directly in to the camera.

I did some additional research on sending commands to the Ublox GPS module. I found I could send the commands as standard text strings instead of using binary data. I instructed the GPS module to only send RMC and GGA data strings at 4800 baud. I reduced the signal level from the GPS module (to reduce the risk of damaging the camera) and connected the GPS module to my camera via the USB breakout board and cable. When I turned on my camera I was pleased to see the GPS indicator was on so I took a picture.

This was a little under 4 hours ago. When I checked the picture on the camera I discovered it did indeed have GPS data associated with it. My camera had just tagged its first photograph with GPS data!

Now that I have proven that I can send GPS data to my camera it motivates me to find more time to work on the project and get it finished.
