
DIPSY programmer tool using open source FPGA tools

A project log for DIPSY

DIY System on Chip based on FPGA, priced below 5 USD

antti-lukatsAntti Lukats 08/21/2015 at 19:070 Comments

This is first time I used the open source toolchain for FPGA for something real: I converted the VHDL code that was used to make ICEd board to DIPSY tool into verilog, and created new FPGA images with IceStorm and it works, works FIRST time tried:

  1. IceStorm toolchain re-compiled to Windows
  2. Not tested before Verilog code
  3. Constraints taken from IceCube, not changed
  4. from Verilog to BIN with IceStorm
  5. Download with Diamond

>>>> Working FPGA

Ok, DIPSY FPGA itself is not yet supported by IceStorm, but the ICE family itself is. Nice.


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