
DIPSY the BOOK: 12 or else?

A project log for DIPSY

DIY System on Chip based on FPGA, priced below 5 USD

antti-lukatsAntti Lukats 09/05/2015 at 19:161 Comment


Is not about DIPSY, it is about the KID who did it. About the KID in all of us. A draft preview chapter from the book follows.

Lunch break, I drop by at the factory and grab twelve DIPSY’s with me, they are getting ready to send out to meet the world.

I am taking a short walk on the else, and it so happens that I have the DIPSY’s in my hand when I pass the AppleGate. It looks like a Gate that is always closed, a gate you cannot pass through. A gate where you can take an Apple when pass by walking on the else.

DIPSY’s at AppleGate on river else, photo courtesy of a stranger.

Small things, the heart of a DIPSY is smaller than grain of sand. I look at the apple in my hand.

Would a man, a father, take money that was donated for his children food for himself?

Do you know that man?

You know him now.

For many years I did carry a paper in my wallet that did read:

“I, Antti Lukats, did borrow 10 (ten) EUR from money donated for my children.”

<Date>, Munich, Germany, signed <my signature>.

My family was 600+ km away and I had to pay for two apartments so the money was short. I decided to set strict budget for my own needs at 10 EUR per week and leave all the paycheck for the household money. One day I found myself looking through the window of a bakery and realized that I had went out of the apartment for one reason: to look what food looks like. Strange feeling. It is one thing if you watch it on the big screen (was it Charlie Chaplin?) something else is when you live it. I’d say a memorable and worth to re-member positive feeling.

I did go over my 10 EUR weekly budget, hence the paper I wrote and signed. The money I got was given by a man I did work together with for many years in the past. I asked 200 EUR “aid”, he wired it. At that time I did not remember that I actually did own 5% of his company. I found my “shares” some years later. When I asked him about my 5% he said: “as I did change the name of company, so the paper you have is just a paper.”

Small things. Grain of Sand. An Apple.

Thank you stranger girl for taking the picture at AppleGate. And thank you for your smile.

An Apple a Day, what else?

A smile or two.

I did actually eat this apple, it was pretty green and really tasty.

INDIEGOGO Launching soon: for the BOOK only :)

Smile ^2


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Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 09/07/2015 at 16:04 point

Antti knows so much about electronics and so little about money :-/
Take care my friend !

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