
Hardware done

A project log for AR Drone 2.0 DSM2-Wifi bridge

A small DSM2-wifi bridge to fly the AR Drone with a DSM2 controller.

jorisplusplusjorisplusplus 07/07/2015 at 20:012 Comments

Today the orangeRX receiver arrived. I chose a different one then planned because this one was available in the European warehouse. Measuring the signal line gave me a cPPM of 3V, so no level shifting required. The hardware consists of a LD33V, wire and a usb cable. The usb cable powers the orangeRX and the D33V. The LD33V powers the ESP8266.

Starting working on the software first attempt was in lua using the NodeMCU firmware. But that firmware crashed a lot without reason so I switched over to the SDK + Arduino ide. Decoding of the input signal is done now, next is control and after that i can work on the AT commands of the AR Drone.

Gallery updated with hardware picture.


.AleX. wrote 11/04/2015 at 02:53 point

Could you give me more details about "Decoding of the input signal is done now, next is control and.." ?

I've parsed your github, but I don't understand how you catch CPPM (on interrupt 2 ?)

I'm looking for CPPM decoding with an ESP8266 'in arduino flavour', but seems too hard for me to adapt an arduino libraries on ESP8266...

Maybe you can write a librarie to call with something like

value = channel.Read(1) // read first CPPM pulse

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jorisplusplus wrote 11/04/2015 at 13:13 point

Its been a while since I last checked because the weather is not so great at the moment. 
CPPM is catched with the interrupt 2. When there is a positive edge
it notes the microseconds. When there is a negative edge it notes the
microseconds again. The difference between those two is the time the
signal was high. The CPPM consists of six channels(short pulse with
variable length) and a long pulse if it detects the long pulse and had 6
short pulses the data is valid and handled with the use of variable
dready. Functions that are used are the rising and falling. Personally
im not really good with arduino so thats why I havent made a library. If
you need any help you can contact me.

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