
Field test: Cleaning shores of debris w/ RDAS v0.5

A project log for Rapidly Deployable Automation System

Unfolding CubeSat rover. Mission: construction on Mars & re-construction after natural disasters on Earth. Tele-op Headband control.

ekEK 10/24/2015 at 00:175 Comments

Mini field test showing how RDAS v0.5 can move some debris on the shores of this beach! What a rush it was to see the bot working in action out in the field (and it was raining a bit too)! Check out the video

Great to have the ducks there while I was testing the bot. It definitely gave a broader scope to why I'm trying to make these robots.

*Note: This was recorded around September 10. The development of the prototype has advanced since then.


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Carol Willing wrote 10/28/2015 at 02:33 point

@Erin RobotGrrl Love this! The ducks and ducklings make me think of a swarm of mini-RDAS units cooperating with each other to clean the beach.

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EK wrote 10/28/2015 at 12:39 point

Thanks Carol! Nice thought. That would be interesting to see. And if the bots could fold up if it starts to rain!

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deʃhipu wrote 10/24/2015 at 08:58 point

Wow, it can really get around now! I see you did a lot of work on it in the mean time.

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EK wrote 10/24/2015 at 16:32 point

It was nice to test it with the larger wheels... but still want it to be contained all in one CubeSat-sized chassis. So might back track a bit to look at those unfolding wheels.

Still needs more work.... hahaha always =)

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deʃhipu wrote 10/24/2015 at 16:54 point

At least it's not boring.

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