About My Bins Driver.
If you don't have foot path front of your house , My bins driver will work perfectly for you . specially if your front yard is not suitable for you to roll the bins on it or if you got elderly parents that you may have to go to their house and roll the bins out for them , because elderly people they can fill the bins, beg by beg but it will be too heavy for them to roll the bins out by themselves. Will be perfect for disables . How many times you forgot to take Your own rubbish bins out on the day before and you run outside in the morning in your pyjamas, when you hear the truck coming closer to your house.
We are living-in 21st century and everything is getting automated to make life easier . May not everyone lucky enough to own this system yet , but maybe this is start of the next generation revolution and slowly things should change to suit our lifestyle .
My bins driver has 4 Aluminium unites, 3 combined together and fourth control box attached to the house wall . 1 is the driver unite which drives the system forward and back on truck with wheels . 2 is rectangular swivel platform where the rubbish and recycle bins stands on it . 3 is the control box attached the swivel rectangular platform . My Bins Driver located on the opposite side of the driveway and they are facing the driveway and the front door for easy access where my Rubbish bin and recycle bin ( or green bin altered ) stands on it side by side.
My Bins Driver Programed Job Description.
1- To notify us with the recorded voice alert , 5 minutes prior to starting to take the bins out . repeating the alert for 1 minute for us to take the last bag of the rubbish and recycle from inside the house to the bins outside
2- Take the bins out every Monday night 52 times a year. regardless where we are , home or on the other side of the world.
3- Notify us again Tuesday night at 6pm with the voice alert before bringing the bins in so we can check if the bins are on before it moves . But during the day as soon as the last bin being emptied and put back properly they automatically will be back anyway but we can check if my bins driver came back with the bins.
4- Take the bins back home every Tuesday night , 52 times a year regardless where we are
Automatic Operations.
The day before they will picked up ,on Monday 8 o'clock at night just after dinner is done ,My Bins Driver from outside, activates the inside voice alert unite , saying " attention.... attention.. the bins are about to travel to their destination in five minutes ... thank you " this repeats one minute for us to make sure we hear it and take the last remaining rubbish and the recycles from inside bins to outside bins.
My bins driver equipped with the Beeper and Flashing lights ( red and blue located under and on top of Swivel platform ) , which their activated after five minutes of the voice alert for 10 seconds ( to warn people around ) than they start to travel very slowly to their destination automatically .70 second later about middle of the destination rectangular swivel platform start to turn clockwise 1 quarter to face the bins to street while travelling to their destination , which is near the curb ready to be picked up the next day,regardless we are home or on the other side of town the world.
Tuesday morning because the system equipped with 2 sensors ( located in control box 3 facing behind the bins) for each bins to sense the bins been picked up and been put back . as soon as the second bin is emptied and put back , their automatically start beeping and flashing the lights for 10 minutes (to alert people close by) and their start to go back to their destination. 70 second later again the rectangular swivel platform this time turns 1 quarter anticlockwise to face the bins to our house for easy excess which is their home position near the house and Is ready for the next cycle .
Manual Operations Controls
1- RFand Wi-Fi remotes.
For any reason , when we missed the bins on Monday night and they went out without us emptying the rubbish and the recycle bins from inside the house . instead of going out to street at night , it could be raining, windy or it could be only one of us at home and inappropriate to walk out to street.with theRF( radio frequency ) which is located in control box 3. or Wi-Fi remote ,which is located in wall control box 4 , operates (with Smartphone) which ever is handy, we can call them back to home position to refill the last remanning rubbish and recycle .
2- Bluetooth Remote
When ever we want to move My Bins in or out for maintenance purposes or to clean the weeds or leaves from underneath or any reasons , we can connect to My Bins via Bluetooth which is located in the control box 3. and operated back and forward as we wish.
3- 3G+4G Remote
Sometimes the day the bins have to be emptied by garbage man, it could be public holiday and they may not turn up on that day , and because its public holiday we could be on holiday as well and our bins will return to their home position at the end of the day regardless they emptied or not. in this case we can log in to My Bins Driver 3G or 4G ( which ever is available in that area ) activator which is located in 4 control box on the house wall , and activate the system to send My Bins Driver out with the touch of the finger from anywhere in the world .
4- Holiday Mode Control
Sometimes if we go to holiday for month or more or less, we activate the holiday mode so prevents My Bins to travel in and out empty for the duration of our holiday . Holiday mode control is manual switch which is located in the control box 3 and when is activated, the circuit allows My bins to go out on normal mission while we are on holiday, and after they come back to home position , the holiday mode circuit will kick in and strict My Bins to travel to their destination until we come back home and deactivate the holiday mode so they can get into their normal routine.
How It Works
My Bins driver control box 3 witch attached to behind the rectangular platform which contains all of the operation components.In this control box we got 12 volt battery with the battery level indicator as well as its own solar power panel to charge the battery during the day . Because the sun is unpredictable when is going to be shine or not and My Bins can't %100 relay on it , we also got an external control box 4, mounted on the house wall which include 12 v automatic charger which keeps the battery charged during the night and when ever is over cast and the Sun and solar charger can't keep up charging . 12 v automatic charger which is mounted on the house, keeps charging the battery when My Bins are home position or near the curb, so the battery always stays %100 fully charged so My Bins always complete its job descriptions without any power loss.there is 3 12 volt motors driving the systems in and out and swing clockwise or anticlockwise which their located under the unite 1 .