
Teensy 3.1 SMD Reflow Oven Controller

Designed For Nextion HMI TFT Use

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Nextion HMI TFT Links

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View all 10 components

  • Coding problems

    Charles Lakins01/27/2016 at 18:30 0 comments

    I have tried to do the coding myself from various angles and degrees using different sources to base it on ,but due to my lack of understanding on routines etc came to a roadblock on my end, the nextion editor for the screen was much easier to do :)

    I was thinking on outsourcing the job to fiver but so far no replies on my listing and messages to various coders, I plan to figure it out eventually, If someone has any ideas or suggestions feel free to message me

  • Nextion Screens Programmed

    Charles Lakins07/25/2015 at 11:34 0 comments

    Some early HMI reflow screens I have loaded on the screens for testing code behavior

    2.4" with 3d printed bezel

    4.2" without bezel

    additional item screens (reflow menu)

    (profile start screen)

  • Soldered V0.33

    Charles Lakins07/13/2015 at 04:21 0 comments

    Soldered parts and pins so far

  • Version 0.33 Arrived

    Charles Lakins07/11/2015 at 14:26 0 comments

    Boards arrived from oshpark

    Assembly Sunday afternoon :)


  • Features:

    Charles Lakins07/08/2015 at 18:20 0 comments


    * 1 x i2c input for display or sensors - pins A4(SDA), A5(SCL)

    * 1 x Serial output for display or blutooth module (Nextion TFT HMI) - pins RX3, TX3

    * 3 x Solid State Relay pins (5v & 12v-Selectable pads & GND switched via transistors) - pins 2. 3. 4

    * 1 x 12v PWM fan connection - pin 5(TX1/PWM)

    * 1 x Sense amplifier IC for a K-type thermocouple. - pins 12(DIN), 10(!CS), T-, T+, 13(LED/IC pin5)


    * C1 0805 0.1uf Capacitor

    * D1 SMA B130 Diode

    * Q1 SOT23 MMBT2222A SOT-23 NPN (6V / 750 / 40V 600MA)

    * Q2 SOT23 MMBT2222A SOT-23 NPN (6V / 750 / 40V 600MA)

    * Q3 SOT23 MMBT2222A SOT-23 NPN (6V / 750 / 40V 600MA)

    * R1 R0805 1k Resistor

    * R2 R0805 1k Resistor

    * R3 R0805 1k Resistor

    * R4 R0805 100k Resistor

    * R5 R0805 100k Resistor

    * R6 R0805 100k Resistor

    * U$1 TEENSY3.1

    * U$2 MAX6675 SO08 IC

    * Momentary Tact 4pin 4x4x1.5mm SMD

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Feature references for pins used:

    • 1 x i2c input for display or sensors - pins A4(SDA), A5(SCL)
    • 1 x Serial output for display or blutooth module (Nextion TFT HMI) - pins RX3, TX3
    • 3 x Solid State Relay pins (5v & 12v-Selectable pads & GND switched via transistors) - pins 2. 3. 4
    • 1 x 12v PWM fan connection - pin 5(TX1/PWM)
    • 1 x Sense amplifier IC for a K-type thermocouple. - pins 12(DIN), 10(!CS), T-, T+, 13(LED/IC pin5)
  • 2
    Step 2

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