When I read about the Wings,Wheels and Propellers contest I decided to build this for it. I had a box full of old mini helicopters that I had bought at a garage sale. Looking through the box I liberated a couple of motors, a Lipo battery and the control board from on of the toys and grabbed a ESP 8266 and some 123AP transistors and other parts. I threw this together in an evening. I stiil need to hook up the motor drivers.
Looking at Ebay gets the following prices:
ESP8266 - $2.19
Micro Motors (2) -$1.98
123AP (2) - $1.98
1N4001 (2) - $.08
1k (2) - $.04
LIPO Battery - $1.98
LIPO Charger $2.70
Assorted perfboard, wire, MISC
Total around 11 -12 bucks. Should be cheap enough to make a small swarm.
Pictures coming soon.
why 123ap transistor ? Could I use something else ? Any remark about this ? ( I am a beginner)