

A project log for AR Breadboarding

So, AR needs markers, but given the predictable structure of features of a breadboard, it should be possible to do so without a marker.

arunmukundanarun.mukundan 10/25/2015 at 07:081 Comment

To whomsoever it may concern,

The project turned out to be a bit tough. So I joined a PhD in Computer Vision. The method I would like to experiment with is bag-of-words. Therefore, I will try to detail this as hypothesis, experiment and observation. Also, rather than look at this particular application, I would like to switch to an exploratory way of going about it, so that anyone wanting to implement a computer vision project may have a theoretical template on which to base their application.

Hypothesis :

(Originally) Given a model of the breadboard, we can track it, without using any markers. This is vague, and with regards to just tracking, is already done quite well in state-of-art tracking applications, so I will modify it a bit.

(New-explorative?) Try many alternate pipelines to create a robust application using computer vision. (Still vague, but my kind of vague)

Experiment & observations :

The application is broken down as follows:

Real Life --> Data --> Analysis --> Inference --> Output

A log so far for each step, forgive the lack of detail.

-----> Will post some theory, links, codes, data and images soon...

* To be ascertained


arun.mukundan wrote 10/25/2015 at 07:12 point

ok, above is a rough draft... I realized i need hyperlinks to each key word or concept for this kind of log to make sense. Will work on it, but need time :(

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