Basic plans and a starting point
I started off the project with a basic plan of dimensions for the shelf. The place that I chose to hang the shelf had some heating plumbing so I had to include that to the outer dimensions. I thought that I would need a strong material which was flat as possbile so I used an oak sheet which I used to have as a desk. I designed the project with a woodcarving software. For the logo i used the vector format of the hackaday-logo.
The CNC router in the hacklab is a Kingcut W 1525. I had no previous experience of CNC-machines, but with trial and error i got the job done. I used a 30 mm end mill to flatten out the surface, a 6mm ball nose for the logo and a 6mm end mill for the rest.
For the bottom shelf I used the same dimensions as for the top one but i added recess for the nuts.
Putting pieces together
The 4mm clear acrylic sheet on top of the logo was cut using the hacklabs laser cutter. 6mm threaded rod was used to stack the shelves.