Hi. This is my first project. It started as a dead 1950's Roberts Radio. I have added a Bluetooth receiver and 100W per channel amp so now you can use your watch, phone or remote control. I used the MW/LW selector as the on/off switch and backlit it with blue LEDs and carved a Bluetooth logo in the front as a nod to the new technology.
You can also use an SD card or USB stick with music to plug in, but it works well just streaming music or radio from the phone.
I kept all the original circuit, but had to loose the speaker to fit the amp in. You can see the Bluetooth aerial connected underneath the original aerial.
I know it's nowhere near as good as some of the projects here, but I'm more of a mechanical engineer and am only just learning electrical things so I hope it's not too simple. Anyway I hope you like it.
I love the projects the rest of you do and one day I hope to be able to contribute something more worthy as I learn more skills.