What a great idea I have just had! (I don't get that many folks!)
I am going to run my project software within Dropbox. As it is a syncing service and the files are resident on my computer(s) it is a fab idea to run it from with Dropbox directory (we (older folk) always used to call a collection of data files in a computer a directory. Windows (yak!) renamed it just to be hip and called it a folder. I still call it a directory as it should be. (Stamps foot on ground!). Sorry I digress. Where was I ? oh yes Dropbox.
These are the good points for running the software within the Dropbox folder - erm - sorry - directory!
- Backing up data and code
- Viewing current status files remotely
- Remote fixing and maintaining code
- Editing s/w anywhere on any of my computers ( I work away from home in two locations ) ( That's why I am doing this project - so my fish get fed and plants watered).
Bad points for running the software within Dropbox
- haven't thought of any yet (as @ 18 sep 2016)
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