
Last minute firmware changes

A project log for GPS Disciplined xCXO

A DIY GPS disciplined 10 MHz reference clock

nick-sayerNick Sayer 08/12/2015 at 04:580 Comments

It's been a couple days of playing with the firmware.

I decided to change the LOCK LED blink patterns again. It was a little tough sometimes to tell the difference between the slow and medium speeds. So now, it's one, two or three blinks per second. It's much more clear that way.

Also, the firmware obtains a lock much more quickly now, and writes the trim value to EEPROM a little bit more readily (hopefully not more frequently). The result of that is that on "warm" starts, it should have a lock in 16 minutes 40 seconds, and on "cold" starts, it should show something within 20 minutes.

I believe I'm going to send the three prototype boards I have now in to Hackaday for the Best Product submission. The final production boards will be here on Thursday, but the prototypes are the same in every way that's going to matter, and, well, waste not, want not.
