
A new housing and a permanent place in my car

A project log for MPi3 - CAN-BUS MP3 player

This is a CAN-BUS enabled python MP3 player running on a raspberry pi

trueffelwurmtrueffelwurm 01/03/2016 at 20:140 Comments

I am really sorry (again) for the long delay between the updates. I am currently quite busy and happy to even find some time for my projects.

What's new? I 3D-printed a housing for the raspberry and the other components and installed it permanently into my car.

It is now stable enough to remove the possibility of booting it while driving by pulling the 12V-Plug from the cigarette lighter...
Also the hard wired connection to the CAN-bus makes a way better connection than my previously used jumper-wires to the diagnostic port.

Also I added the display of some vehicle related information (engine-temp, voltage, speed, rpm) which I am getting from the controllers with a diagnostic request. My plan is to figure out the packages on the bus holding that information without the need of sending those diagnostic requests.

I made a little visualization tool to identify the specific diagnostic values. That's how the results look like:

You can find more detailed information about the values and diagnostic requests at my blog.

I would love to share the canbus-data in a more practical way than writing them as text to my blog, but so far I was unable to find a usable open database for vehicle-related canbus packages. If I am just missing it and something like that already exists, please point me there! Thanks!

If you want to take a look at my not-yet-cleaned-up source code, you can do so at GitHub.

This is a quick write-up of the current progress, I posted some more images an schematics at my project page, if you would like to take a closer look.
In the case I missed to write about some important things, or you wold like to know some more details, feel free to ask!
