

A project log for Internet-of-Things Power Meter

Simple, cheap, easy to build and deploy, the IoT Power Meter provides accurate statistics on household power consumption.

solenoidSolenoid 03/13/2016 at 10:410 Comments
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results

- Albert Einstein (allegedly)

Well, that actually paid off, it seems the software woes have worked themselves out without any changes... maybe the libraries were updated too, but that's probably unrelated. Anyway the project is slowly crawling again.

Currently the basic HTTP authentication (to access uploading functions and such) makes the ESP crash systematically, so I need to solve that somehow. However I'm very pleased to say that it handles connection stress very well, with lots of requests maxing the incoming buffer to the point of getting warning messages (LmacRxBlk:1) it still holds, counts the blinks and updates all other internal stuff.

I spent some time looking towards FreeRTOS for a while, I wanted to get closer to the hardware and perhaps root out the issues, but I saw that all my time went into writing libraries for all the peripherals, which all exist on Arduino IDE... so I'm sticking with Arduino.

The next steps are to fix the authentication issue and 3D-print an enclosure. The board does not have a proper keyed power connector, only standard 2.54mm pitch pins where VCC and GND are side to side, I can see a tiny issue with that...
