
The IPM in the wild!

A project log for Internet-of-Things Power Meter

Simple, cheap, easy to build and deploy, the IoT Power Meter provides accurate statistics on household power consumption.

solenoidSolenoid 07/08/2016 at 10:230 Comments

Peter contacted me recently about the Internet-of-Things Power Meter he built with the help of the instructions here, it's kind of a milestone for me to see it in the wild. It shows the true power of open hardware and the advantage of using a perfboard as component support.

He did not place the parts the same way as I did, from this I take that the hardware design is not that crucial as long as the schematics are provided.

Peter had trouble getting the IPM to connect to his Wi-Fi access point, after suspecting a faulty ESP chip and ordering new parts it turned out the access point itself was the issue.

I'm truly grateful for his feedback and hope getting updates in the future to make this project better.

If you have built an IPM yourself please send me some pictures of your setup and suggestions on how to improve the software, hardware, building instructions...
