
See the blog for updates

A project log for The Cave Pearl Project

Creating a generic data logging platform that is easy to build & modify for many different environmental monitoring projects.

ed-mallonEd Mallon 07/27/2015 at 19:270 Comments

I post regular updates to the project blog at:

These posts generally fall into two categories: development updates when I am busy building new units & field reports which I usually post within a week or two of each deployment. More than 65 different loggers have been built to record various environmental parameters, and we have more than 30 units deployed. Testing & calibration are the real heavy lifting on this project and some of the early builds have already passed the one year mark under water.

I am trying to inspire people by showing them how easy it is to create loggers with different sensor combinations. Despite all the hype about open source these days, it's still fairly rare to find people willing to discuss results at the early stages of development; so I post relevant graphs describing both the successes, and the failures to the blog.

I will post cross links here when each new batch is ready.

Addendum 2016-07-25: We've now assembled more 100 loggers, with >60 currently out out on deployment, in environments ranging from coastal mangroves, to caves, to the open ocean.
