
An Arduino UNO based Datalogger for the Classroom

A project log for The Cave Pearl Project

Creating a generic data logging platform that is easy to build & modify for many different environmental monitoring projects.

ed-mallonEd Mallon 01/04/2016 at 19:290 Comments

One of my high school teacher friends mentioned that he wanted add Arduino based projects to his science classroom, but after I posted those DIY guides he suggested that my logger build plans still had too much detail (and soldering...) for him to tackle with a class full of high school students. So I cobbled together a simpler UNO based version that can be jumpered together quickly with a breadboard:

An Arduino Uno based Datalogger for the Classroom

The code posted with the logger captures the temp register from the DS3231 RTC, which has low 0.25C resolution but has actually proven to be reasonably accurate when compared to dedicated temp sensors. Hopefully that starter script is simple enough that people don't have too much trouble modifying it for the sensors they want to add.
