
The cables are the weakest link . . .

A project log for The Cave Pearl Project

Creating a generic data logging platform that is easy to build & modify for many different environmental monitoring projects.

ed-mallonEd Mallon 05/02/2016 at 14:120 Comments

A report card of sorts on the first four temp chains.

Field Report 2016-03-27: Progress on the DS18B20 Temp.Strings

With the pre-epoxy calibration time for each sensor, and each 12 node segment taking about a day to assemble, these represent the largest investment a single instrument for the project. In return for that we get a ton of data.

I have been building them with cheap eBay DS18's (~ $1.75 each) which have about a 30% DOA rate, so I'm surprised that none of the actual sensors failed during those deployments.
