This Blog will Cover How to build a cheap EC meter for your aquaponics/Hydroponics or water quality related projects. We are not going to get into what the ideal value of PPM or EC is, Just cover how to measure and quantify a fluid.
We will be using this for the Urine based aquaponics unit, we need to be able to control the strength of the growing fluid in the system but for the person on a budget a EC meter is just to much money. the Solution a $3 EC Meter for any Arduino.
You can use this to measure drinking water quality to with a small change to the code and changing R1 [see below].
-MCU of your choice with ADC
-DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor
-500 ohm [or 1kohm resistor]
-Type A Two Prong american plug to Figure 8
-Female Socket for Figure 8 connector
So why are we using a plug:
-Available worldwide
-Standard size [makes calibration easy]
Use the solid prong one like below and not the one with holes:
Wiring it up:
Note: You want the Solid Prong type plug
Do not Plug the pronged plug into the mains
Operating Principal
PPM is calculated from the EC of a fluid, EC is the inverse of the electrical resistance of the fluid. We are estimating the EC or PPM of a fluid by measuring the resistance between two probes [The plug pins] when the plug is submerged in the liquid of interest.
Ec measurement needs to be done using AC or the liquid of interest is polarised and will give bad readings. This has got to be a great example of asking why instead of just accepting a statement as fact, it turns out we can take a very fast DC reading without suffering polarisation. meaning we can make a really cheap EC sensor.
Want to use it and dont care how it works? Skip to the main EC code and using the wiring diagram it will work.
Temperature Compensation
Temperature has an effect on the conductivity of fluids so it is essential that we compensate for this.
It is common to use a liner approximation for small temperature changes[1] to convert them to their equivelant EC at 25*C:
EC25 = EC /( 1 + a (T - 25) )
EC25- Equivelant EC at 25'C
EC - Measured EC
T- Temperature [Decgrees C] of Measurment
a = 0.019 °C [Commonly used for nutrient solutions]
Deciding on Value of R1
//----------- Do not Replace R1 with a resistor lower than 300 ohms ------------
We can change the Value of R1 in the voltage divider to change the range of EC we want to measure. Below is the Equivalent Voltage divider circuit.
Ra the resistance of the digital pins is not stated in the data sheet instead we need to pull it out from a graph.
Going off the graph on page [387] of the atmel 2560 Data Sheet “Figure 32-25. I/O Pin Output Voltage vs. Source Current (VCC = 5V)”
Ra= V/I [From Figure] V=0.4 I=1.5e-4 R=25 ohms estimated
Rc will change with EC [PPM] of the measured fluid. we will calculate the maximum and minimum values we expect to see for the range of fluids we wish to measure taking into account temperature changes and the cell constant K. [We will estimate K to be 3 for the plug probe, estimate from previous tests]
EC = EC25*( 1 + a (T - 25))
R=(1000/(EC*K)) +Ra
Min temp=0 [we arnt going to care about EC if the pond is frozen]
Max Temp = 40 *C [I doubt a pond should be above this]
Minimum EC 25=0.3 EC= 0.3*(1+0.019*(0-25) Min EC= 0.16 S/sm
Maximum EC 25= 3 EC= 0.3*(1+0.019*(40-25) Max EC = 3.9 S/cm
Min Resistance = 1000/(MaxEC*K)+25 = 1000(3.9*2.88) =114 ohms
Max Resitance = 1000/(MinEC*K)+25 = 1000/(0.16*2.88) = 2195 ohms
Now we have enough information to calculate a good value for R1 to get the best resolution over our intended measuring range. We could sum it all up mathematically and differentiate to find the peak, but that hurts my head so I just did a quick excel spreadsheet for the Voltage divider for the EC I expect to see:
As we can see we get the largest difference using a value for R1 of 500 ohm, I only had 1Kohm to hand so I will have to live with a little less range.
So we chose a 500 ohm resistor
EC – Range /Voltage Range * (5/ADC steps)
(3.9-0.16)/3.14 * 5/1024 = 5.8e-3 resolution so that is a resolution of 0.0058
To put this is PPM [Tranchen [Australia] PPMconversion: 0.7] this is a resolution of 4ppm.
Much more than we need for aquaponics or hydroponics.
If you want to measure the quality of drinking water you will need to calculate the expected Ec values and increase R1 accordingly.
Calibration Code
If you want the best readings from your system it is advisable to calibrate your sensor with some known fluid. But If you dont need to if you use the plug probe shown above, it will still work well.
>Add your EC in S/cm into the definitions
>Plug your K value from the terminal window into the main EC code
you will need to use the modified one wire and Dallas library [download from] or add a pull up for the temperature probe data line [google it]
ElCheapo Arduino EC-PPM measurments Calibration
This Script is used for calibration of the sensor and fine tuning of the Cell Constant K
Submerge the sensor and temperature probe in the calibration solution and leave for a while so the temperature probe can settle
Change the value of the calibration solution to suit the solutiton strength
Stir the probe to make sure the solution is well mixed and upload the code to the arduino
Open the terminal for an update of the estimated Cell Constant K [should be around 3] and use this new value in the main EC code.
28/8/2015 Michael Ratcliffe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
-Arduino - Uno/Mega
-Standard American two prong plug
-1 kohm resistor
-DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor
See for a Pinout and user guide or consult the Zip you got this code from
//************************** Libraries Needed To Compile The Script [See Read me In Download] ***************//
// Both below Library are custom ones [ SEE READ ME In Downloaded Zip If You Dont Know how To install Use them or add a pull up resistor to the temp probe
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
//************************* User Defined Variables ********************************************************//
float CalibrationEC=1.38; //EC value of Calibration solution is s/cm
//----------- Do not Replace R1 with a resistor lower than 300 ohms ------------
int R1= 1000;
int Ra=25; //Resistance of powering Pins
int ECPin= A0;
int ECGround=A1;
int ECPower =A4;
//*************Compensating for temperature ************************************//
//The value below will change depending on what chemical solution we are measuring
//0.019 is generaly considered the standard for plant nutrients [google "Temperature compensation EC" for more info
float TemperatureCoef = 0.019; //this changes depending on what chemical we are measuring
//************ Temp Probe Related *********************************************//
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 10 // Data wire For Temp Probe is plugged into pin 10 on the Arduino
const int TempProbePossitive =8; //Temp Probe power connected to pin 9
const int TempProbeNegative=9; //Temp Probe Negative connected to pin 8
//***************************** END Of Recomended User Inputs *****************************************************************//
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
float TemperatureFinish=0;
float TemperatureStart=0;
float EC=0;
int ppm =0;
float raw= 0;
float Vin= 5;
float Vdrop= 0;
float Rc= 0;
float K=0;
int i=0;
float buffer=0;
//*********************************Setup - runs Once and sets pins etc ******************************************************//
void setup()
pinMode(TempProbeNegative , OUTPUT ); //seting ground pin as output for tmp probe
digitalWrite(TempProbeNegative , LOW );//Seting it to ground so it can sink current
pinMode(TempProbePossitive , OUTPUT );//ditto but for positive
digitalWrite(TempProbePossitive , HIGH );
pinMode(ECPower,OUTPUT);//Setting pin for sourcing current
pinMode(ECGround,OUTPUT);//setting pin for sinking current
digitalWrite(ECGround,LOW);//We can leave the ground connected permanantly
delay(100);// gives sensor time to settle
//** Adding Digital Pin Resistance to [25 ohm] to the static Resistor *********//
// Consule Read-Me for Why, or just accept it as true
Serial.println("ElCheapo Arduino EC-PPM measurments Calibration");
Serial.println("By: Michael Ratcliffe");
Serial.println("Free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under GNU ");
Serial.println("Make sure Probe and Temp Sensor are in Solution and solution is well mixed");
Serial.println("Starting Calibration: Estimated Time 60 Seconds:");
//******************************************* End of Setup **********************************************************************//
//************************************* Main Loop - Runs Forever ***************************************************************//
//Moved Heavy Work To subroutines so you can call them from main loop without cluttering the main loop
void loop()
sensors.requestTemperatures();// Send the command to get temperatures
TemperatureStart=sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); //Stores Value in Variable
//************Estimates Resistance of Liquid ****************//
raw= analogRead(ECPin);
raw= analogRead(ECPin);// This is not a mistake, First reading will be low
sensors.requestTemperatures();// Send the command to get temperatures
TemperatureFinish=sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); //Stores Value in Variable
//*************Compensating For Temperaure********************//
EC =CalibrationEC*(1+(TemperatureCoef*(TemperatureFinish-25.0))) ;
//***************** Calculates R relating to Calibration fluid **************************//
Vdrop= (((Vin)*(raw))/1024.0);
K= 1000/(Rc*EC);
Serial.print("Calibration Fluid EC: ");
Serial.print(" S "); //add units here
Serial.print("Cell Constant K");
if (TemperatureStart==TemperatureFinish){
Serial.println(" Results are Trustworthy");
Serial.println(" Safe To Use Above Cell Constant in Main EC code");
Serial.println(" Error -Wait For Temperature To settle");
//************************************** End Of Main Loop **********************************************************************//
EC PPM Measurement Code
>If you are using PPM and not EC make sure you note what conversion factor you are using [it isnt universal]
>Dont call the read function more than once every 5 seconds or you will get bad readings and a damaged probe
I tested this code in a solution for 48 hours reading at 5 second intervals without any polarisation or probe damage, the longer you leave between readings the longer your probe will last. 5 seconds is the minimum wait between readings not the maximum.
you will need to use the modified one wire and Dallas library [download from] or add a pull up for the temperature probe data line [google it]
ElCheapo Arduino EC-PPM measurments
This scrip uses a common USA two prong plug and a 47Kohm Resistor to measure the EC/PPM of a Aquaponics/Hydroponics Sytem.
You could modift this code to Measure other liquids if you change the resitor and values at the top of the code.
This Program will give you a temperature based feed controller. See Read me in download file for more info.
28/8/2015 Michael Ratcliffe
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
-Arduino - Uno/Mega
-Standard American two prong plug
-1 kohm resistor
-DS18B20 Waterproof Temperature Sensor
See for a Pinout and user guide or consult the Zip you got this code from
//************************** Libraries Needed To Compile The Script [See Read me In Download] ***************//
// Both below Library are custom ones [ SEE READ ME In Downloaded Zip If You Dont Know how To install] Use them or add a pull up resistor to the temp probe
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
//************************* User Defined Variables ********************************************************//
//----------- Do not Replace R1 with a resistor lower than 300 ohms ------------
int R1= 1000;
int Ra=25; //Resistance of powering Pins
int ECPin= A0;
int ECGround=A1;
int ECPower =A4;
//*********** Converting to ppm [Learn to use EC it is much better**************//
// Hana [USA] PPMconverion: 0.5
// Eutech [EU] PPMconversion: 0.64
//Tranchen [Australia] PPMconversion: 0.7
// Why didnt anyone standardise this?
float PPMconversion=0.7;
//*************Compensating for temperature ************************************//
//The value below will change depending on what chemical solution we are measuring
//0.019 is generaly considered the standard for plant nutrients [google "Temperature compensation EC" for more info
float TemperatureCoef = 0.019; //this changes depending on what chemical we are measuring
//********************** Cell Constant For Ec Measurements *********************//
//Mine was around 2.9 with plugs being a standard size they should all be around the same
//But If you get bad readings you can use the calibration script and fluid to get a better estimate for K
float K=2.88;
//************ Temp Probe Related *********************************************//
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 10 // Data wire For Temp Probe is plugged into pin 10 on the Arduino
const int TempProbePossitive =8; //Temp Probe power connected to pin 9
const int TempProbeNegative=9; //Temp Probe Negative connected to pin 8
//***************************** END Of Recomended User Inputs *****************************************************************//
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);// Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);// Pass our oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
float Temperature=10;
float EC=0;
float EC25 =0;
int ppm =0;
float raw= 0;
float Vin= 5;
float Vdrop= 0;
float Rc= 0;
float buffer=0;
//*********************************Setup - runs Once and sets pins etc ******************************************************//
void setup()
pinMode(TempProbeNegative , OUTPUT ); //seting ground pin as output for tmp probe
digitalWrite(TempProbeNegative , LOW );//Seting it to ground so it can sink current
pinMode(TempProbePossitive , OUTPUT );//ditto but for positive
digitalWrite(TempProbePossitive , HIGH );
pinMode(ECPower,OUTPUT);//Setting pin for sourcing current
pinMode(ECGround,OUTPUT);//setting pin for sinking current
digitalWrite(ECGround,LOW);//We can leave the ground connected permanantly
delay(100);// gives sensor time to settle
//** Adding Digital Pin Resistance to [25 ohm] to the static Resistor *********//
// Consule Read-Me for Why, or just accept it as true
R1=(R1+Ra);// Taking into acount Powering Pin Resitance
Serial.println("ElCheapo Arduino EC-PPM measurments");
Serial.println("By: Michael Ratcliffe");
Serial.println("Free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under GNU ");
Serial.println("Make sure Probe and Temp Sensor are in Solution and solution is well mixed");
Serial.println("Measurments at 5's Second intervals [Dont read Ec morre than once every 5 seconds]:");
//******************************************* End of Setup **********************************************************************//
//************************************* Main Loop - Runs Forever ***************************************************************//
//Moved Heavy Work To subroutines so you can call them from main loop without cluttering the main loop
void loop()
GetEC(); //Calls Code to Go into GetEC() Loop [Below Main Loop] dont call this more that 1/5 hhz [once every five seconds] or you will polarise the water
PrintReadings(); // Cals Print routine [below main loop]
//************************************** End Of Main Loop **********************************************************************//
//************ This Loop Is called From Main Loop************************//
void GetEC(){
//*********Reading Temperature Of Solution *******************//
sensors.requestTemperatures();// Send the command to get temperatures
Temperature=sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); //Stores Value in Variable
//************Estimates Resistance of Liquid ****************//
raw= analogRead(ECPin);
raw= analogRead(ECPin);// This is not a mistake, First reading will be low beause if charged a capacitor
//***************** Converts to EC **************************//
Vdrop= (Vin*raw)/1024.0;
Rc=Rc-Ra; //acounting for Digital Pin Resitance
EC = 1000/(Rc*K);
//*************Compensating For Temperaure********************//
EC25 = EC/ (1+ TemperatureCoef*(Temperature-25.0));
//************************** End OF EC Function ***************************//
//***This Loop Is called From Main Loop- Prints to serial usefull info ***//
void PrintReadings(){
Serial.print("Rc: ");
Serial.print(" EC: ");
Serial.print(" Simens ");
Serial.print(" ppm ");
Serial.println(" *C ");
//********** Usued for Debugging ************
Serial.print("Vdrop: ");
Serial.print("Rc: ");
//********** end of Debugging Prints *********
Got any questions let me know.
The next tutorial will be on coding a self learning nutrient doser.
John J. Barron & Colin Ashton "The Effect of Temperature on Conductivity Measurement" Technical Services Department, Reagecon Diagnostics Ltd
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Would you be so kind to post a link to your modified dallas and onwire library?
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Here you go :)
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Thx Michael! In the meanwhile I found out how to pull up the dataline and my ec probe works with the unchanged onewire and dallas library. Thanks so much for posting the easiest and cheapest way so far to build an ec probe!
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Glad it was of use,
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Hello Michael, great project :)
How do I manage EC formula to change Siemens/cm to mS/cm or microsiemens/cm units on EC PPM Calibration and Measurements code?
and Does this plug is suitable to measure EC on the range 0.1 - 10 mS/cm or measure a typical value for a hydroponic nutrient solution around 2.0 mS/cm?
Thank b4
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The EC units are already in mS/cm, it already does output ppm :) Its made with hydroponic systems in mind so it will measure over the range of EC=0.3 to EC=3. A system wth an EC of 10...... that is very high even for enriched co2 environments, are you sure ou need this? [ou can get a higher EC by changing the R1 value in the voltage divider.
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A very useful post Michael. We're incorporating this into an open source hydroponic automation platform and will share a link for it here when we're finished. Thanks for the great work!
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Michael, I hope I'm not giving you a headache with so many questions, I'm just trying to fully understand this, so I have another another question for you. I cannot understand the formula you used to calculate the maximum and minimum Rc. You wrote that it is calculated with this formula, Rc=(1000/(EC*K)) +Ra, but I don't get it.
According to the Wikipedia and this paper you shared (, EC(s/cm)=K(cm^-1)/R(ohms). So, the formula R(total)=(K/Ec) +Ra would give me the total resistance on bottom half of a voltage divider, right ?. What am I missing ? :S
Thank you in advance.
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Hey, I dont mind answering any questions :)
I think you are the first person to pick up on this, for my cell constant K I am using the inverse of the cell constant [ ie the k=3 is actually k=1/3]. At the time there was a reason I did this [cant recall the reason now], but all the equations/calculations in the code under closer inspection should be modified for this inversed cell constant.
For your project, I would use the equations in this blog and a K=2.88 [or 3].
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Hello, thank you so much for sharing this project. It looks very cool, i was trying to apply to measure sea water EC, my only question is about the EC25=0.3, where did you find this value , could you tell me and do you know where i could find this appropriate value for sea water ?
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Thanks, glad it s of use to you.
Do you mean why I used EC25=0.3 for selecting a resistor [in this part]:
Minimum EC 25=0.3 EC= 0.3*(1+0.019*(0-25) Min EC= 0.16 S/sm
Maximum EC 25= 3 EC= 0.3*(1+0.019*(40-25) Max EC = 3.9 S/cm
This min and max are the range of EC readings I want the probe to work over, in hydroponics EC is n the range of 0.3 to 3.0.
For sea water you will need to now the min and max EC you expect to find in the sea, and the temperature compensation factor for sea water. Luckily its a well researched topic and this should be easy to find on google/google scholar.
P.s Dont go lower than 300 ohms for the resistor, anything lower and you risk burning out the digital driving pin.
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I think what was confusing me was in this equation:
Maximum EC 25= 3 EC= 0.3*(1+0.019*(40-25) Max EC = 3.9 S/cm. You are still using the 0.3 in the formula,when you should have written 3 instead.
About the current its not a problem, because i will feed and sick it with an external power supply.
My problem is that i cannot find any information that tells me or not, if this formula for temperature compensation, EC = EC25*( 1 + a (T - 25)), is valid for seawater. By any chance, do you know ?
Thank you very much
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You need to be turning the power to the probe on and off, read above. Dont power the probe directly from a external power supply. You should be able to use a resistor of 300 ohms to measue the range you want to measure.
From the first hit on a google search of "sea water conductivity temperature compensation"
Key points:
>EC of sea water is about 5
>Temperature compensation factor a = 0.18-0.21 [should be fine using 0.19]
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Thank you for such a quick reply.
Sure, I'm aware of it, if forgot to mention that I will control it with a transistor connected to my MCU, making it a ON/OFF switch.
Talking about the temperature compensation, I also found that information that you just posted, but I was questioning about the linearity of the formula, if it is as valid as in smaller range EC liquids. Reading your answer, I assume it is. Thank you so much.
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excellent, thank you...
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Hi Micheal,
for EC measurement, why not just connect ECPower (A4) direct to VCC instead to PIN Arduino, and we can directly measure from ECPin
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Hey :)
If we leave any charge on the probe, the liquid becomes polarised.... a it like electrolysis. Turning the power on, taking a quick readiing and then off reduces this effect and gives good reading and on probe life.
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Hi Michael! where did you get this formula? R=(1000/(EC*K)) +Ra
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It was quite some time ago that I wrote this, is this formula from in the code or calculating a suitable resistor to use via excel?
>EC is the inverse of resistance [ie R=1/EC]
>K is turning it into standard units
>1000 is most likely turning it from standard units to the more commonly used units in hydroponics
It seems I am calculating the resistance of the bottom half of a voltage divider based on a known EC and digital Pin resistance.
Hope This helped? If not, I will look into it further... just give me the line in the code :)
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No, it comes from the explanation, in Rc explanation. But I think that my main problem is I don't understand what is K...
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K is the cell constant, it is related to the area of the probe faces and the distance between the probe faces.
Another way to think of it is as if the liquid was a resistor, if the probes are very far apart the resistance would be much higher than if they were close together.... more distance for the current to pass thru.If we made the probe area's much bigger the resistance would decrease.... more cross sectional area for the current to use to get to the other end. The K is a easy way to turn this into standard units.
More info: [Gets a bit more into the finer detail]
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Thank you very much!!
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Does using a holed prong affect the EC testing or not?
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Nope they work fine, but the cell constant (K in the code) will be different.... calibrate it and it will work fine :)
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