
Episode IV: A New Cabinet

A project log for Guitar Amp Refurbish

Cleaning up a practice amp found in the back of an antique store

nathaniel-graffNathaniel Graff 08/22/2015 at 22:070 Comments

It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. And I decided today was a good day to break apart the old cabinet and start making a new one.

I knew the pieces were secured with nails, but I had also expected them to be glued. I found that wasn't the case when took off the first side.

Once the outer adhesive and gunk had been broken along the seams, all it took to dismantle the cabinet was a screwdriver to pry apart the pieces.

Then I just traced the old pieces onto new plywood.

And cut them out with a bandsaw, resulting in a copy.

And propped up together:

The speaker hole needs to be cut out and the front panel mounting points fabricated, but that's all I felt like doing for today.
