
Load Edison with Fun!

A project log for A VGA Display for the Intel Edison!

Playing Quake on the Internet of Things...

pkPK 07/30/2015 at 08:030 Comments

You're all set now, go get things that use the framebuffer! I didn't go for, but here's what I tried:

  1. SDL Quake (remove -mpentium from configure before build)
    1. Get SDL 1.2: first; the prereqs can be annoying - Google when/if you hit libPNG errors, you just need to rename the NULLs.
  2. Nano-X (this one took some work to compile, you should use Alex-T's Repos)
  3. Dosbox (It uses SDL)
    1. Quake (Yeah, I have two ways to run Quake - weird)
    2. Warcraft
    3. Simcity 2000
    4. Not sure, only tried those three... probably most anything, though.
  4. DirectFB (I had issues, but lots of demos will run)

The great AlexT's Edison repos:
