

Raspybot is a Telegram Bot that runs in a raspberry-pi and displays the messages that recive in a LCD display.

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Raspybot is a Telegram Bot that runs in a raspberry-pi and displays the messages that recive in a LCD display. Also have various commands like "/photo" that takes a picture of the LCD-display and sends it to the user, and others like "/temp" which send the current temperature of the raspberrypi.
Raspybot uses libs Adafuit for LCD and pyTelegramBotAPI by eternoir for Telegram.

What is Raspybot ?

Raspybot is a Telegram Bot that runs in a raspberry-pi and displays the messages that recive in a LCD display. Also have other commands like :

  • /photo Takes a picture of the LCD-display and sends it to the user.
  • /temperature Send the current temperature of the raspberrypi to the user who asks it.
  • /log Sends the log file to the user.
  • /getcode Sends the actual code of the bot.

Which is the use of this bot?

Probably none. I did this project in order to have fun and to apply some of the knowledge acquired using Python.

At first it was just for fun , but soon I realized the potential of the project .

It could be used to help monitor a house. And with a few simple changes could offer other services in the IOT world.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi any model.
  • 1 × 16x2 LCD Display
  • 1 × generic and cheap webcam

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