
Assembly and First print

A project log for Printrbot Simple Metal - Bed upgrade

I need a larger print area in order to print a printer

reniermRenierM 08/09/2015 at 20:030 Comments

So far so good, I managed to figure out how to manually set the X and Y Print area parameters.

Use the M208 (or in my case M211 X 260 Y205) and then set the desired values, hit M500 to save.


You'll notice that right underneath the hotend, the new printbed seems to sit right up against the screw head that holds the X-axis motor to the frame. I didn't notice until after Itook the paint off of my printbed frame...

anyways, it is because i had planned my bending line of the material at 1/3rd the thickness of the material (used for steel) turns out Aluminium bends a little different. I temporarily fixed the problem by replacing the hex screws with smaller phillips screws.
