
Bright mild steel doesn't cut it...

A project log for Printrbot Simple Metal - Bed upgrade

I need a larger print area in order to print a printer

reniermRenierM 08/15/2015 at 16:081 Comment

This picture shows a decent gash in the new polished BMS round bars, and that after just one week's worth of intense printing. I'll replace these with hardened chrome coated rods a.s.a.p


RenierM wrote 08/16/2015 at 07:57 point

That may have been totally my fault. When I was busy reconnecting the setup last night I noticed that I had overtightened the linear bearings on the X-axis... stupid move.

So anyways, I've rotated the X-axis rods slightly so that the bearings contact a different spot on the rod and I've ensured that at least one of the four bearings has a little bit of play, that should last util i find replacement rods.

hope this helps.

Happy printing!

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