
New paint job

A project log for N64 Retro Emulation Station conversion

This project is to build a standalone retro emulation station using the Cubieboard 2 (Arm A20) inside a modified N64 console

retroplayerRetroplayer 06/06/2014 at 14:320 Comments

So, I have been trying to experiment a little to get a more bakelite like appearance. While playing with some scrap, I stumbled on a combo that actually works pretty good and is pretty easy.

What I did was go over it with a flat black spray from a great distance. Then I very lightly sprayed gold metal flake. I did both of these steps while both layers were wet. Then I let it dry and also from a distance, hit is with the leather brown paint.

It shows up not so great in this photo, but in person you find black and and light specks appearing to float in the leather brown. The gold is showing up a bit too much, so I will likely hit it with another light layer of the brown. When I am satisfied I will give it a layer of clear gloss to make it pop.

True bakelite (at least the products I have laying around for examples) usually has some heavier dark streaks inside it. I have done some reading and this could be done with acrylic paints and some brushes, but I am not artist. lol. So I am satisfied with my spray approach. It looks close enough for me.


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