

A project log for LPS Mini

Arduino compatible indoor navigation system with small form factor.

gran-nordahlGöran Nordahl 08/15/2015 at 16:452 Comments

After some thought the project name RadioBeacon was dumped for Local Positioning System - LPS. Lessons learned with RadioBeacon v1.0 was implemented in LPS v1.1:

The updated schematic, assembly drawing and BOM:

PCB animation:


Rich text editor

Göran Nordahl wrote 07/28/2016 at 13:22 point

In this case it the GND plane is on plane 2 out of 4. There are many things affecting the performance. If you are having problems with your own design it can as well be due to decoupling, layout etc.

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leandro wrote 07/28/2016 at 13:18 point


First, sorry for my english.

About this topic: "Need for a slightly wider PCB to get better antenna performance."

This perfomance gain is result of increasing GND layer in PCB bottom?

Thank you.

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