
June 2014 - A month of invention

A project log for Low Cost X-Ray Systems for Developing Nations

This is the result of 3,500 man-hours of labor and love, but we need your help to push it forward, HAD community

adam-munichAdam Munich 08/15/2015 at 03:300 Comments

I crashed at a friend's place when I arrived in California, and, set up a messy workshop in their garage.

At this point, I had tossed away my old life, my university studies, in a choice that would make some people's parents disown them. But, what is success, if you don't first give yourself an opportunity to fail greatly?

Here, I worked diligently for a month. In order to ensure that this x-ray source would be low cost, and provide the extreme powers needed for sharp radiographs of living objects, I had to redesign the x-ray tube such that I could take high resolution photographs without any moving parts inside.

To do so, I added electron optics to the tube, designed in such a way that I could have variable control over the x-rays' convergence, and gate the electron flow to allow for pulsed beams of x-rays to be emitted.

Which, would allow me to take bright x-ray exposures in the following manner, using some simple Fourier mathematics:

After spending nearly 2 weeks reading everything had to offer, I learned all that was necessary to write a patent, and filed one for this work. Personally, I hate patents, and believe the system is very broken.

Unfortunately however, it people still require them, if you're to be taken seriously.

Following this, I convinced a few friends to tag along in this journey, put together a business proposal,

... and hit the road again.
