This project aims to minimize and gather information about light pollution. Data can be collected by a user and posted with a pre-determined hashtag to twitter to be viewed on a website. On the site the user is given information about the data given. This project can also minimize energy consumption by showing where light pollution is high so that lights may be turned off in accordance.
All source code in this project is licensed under the MIT License in Github. The repository can be found in the project's links section.
This project is Arduino and web based and a link to the source code repository will be linked to in the project's link section.
Quarterfinals Video:
This video is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License through Youtube.
When a tact switch is pushed on the unit it gives power to the ATTINY. The ATTINY takes a reading from the photocell and displays the reading on one of three Leds. The user can collect this data then submit the data to a website where information is given about the data provided.
Users will also have the option to share their results to twitter on a specified page or under a predetermined hashtag.
@michael thank you very much!!!